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Scientists Say Telepathic Influence Of People’s Dreams Is Possible

A psychology professor at a California University has claimed that “dream telepathy” is a very real phenomena – and that humans may have the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while they are asleep.  According to Stanley Krippner, professor of psychology at Saybrook University in California: A wealth of anecdotal and clinical material exist which supports the possibility of telepathic effects occurring in dreams (Krippner, 1974). However, an experimental approach to the topic did not become possible until psycho physiological laboratory technology became available.

Twitter Tanks As Users Revolt Against Facebook Style Changes

Twitter has come under fire from its users after an announcement by the company to take control of its users’ news feeds with a Facebook-style algorithm, restricting what users see on their timeline.  Shortly after BuzzFeed broke the news, users took to twitter to revolt against the move, saying that the algorithm introduction amounts to censorship. reports: According to Buzzfeed, the latest, radical alteration to Twitter’s user experience could come as early as next week, although the online outlet did not confirm whether the new system would be mandatory.
