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Facebook App Is A Drain On Smartphone Batteries

Users of Facebook’s Android app are being warned that it could be responsible for a reduced performance of their smartphones and a big drain on battery life. The Daily Star reports: Tests have revealed that when Facebook is installed on Android phones they can run up to 15% slower. One Facebook fan has now taken to Reddit to reveal the findings which show a huge difference in performance when the social media app is ditched. The test involved launching 15 popular apps in succession with each loading much faster when Facebook wasn’t installed on the phone.

Scientists Say The Earth Is Actually Two Planets

Scientists have concluded that Earth is actually made up from two planets which came together in a head-on collision that was so powerful it formed the Moon.  Initially scientists believed that the Moon was created when a smaller planet called Theia grazed the Earth and broke it up, sending a small piece of it hurling into space where it caught in Earth’s gravity. However, scientists have now discovered after studying Moon rocks that their oxygen isotapes are the same as on Earth.

Google Testing Superfast 5G Drone Powered Global Networks

American technological giant Google is working on building ultrafast 5G networks that will be powered by solar-powered drones, in order to provide high-speed internet connectivity to the world. Techradar reports: The secret project, codenamed SkyBender, is currently in a trial phase at Spaceport America in New Mexico, the Guardian reports. The plan could potentially offer data speeds around 40 times faster than the maximum 4G/LTE speeds currently available to smartphones and other devices.
