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Semiconductor Reversal Pattern May Spell Trouble For Bulls!

Semiconductor Reversal Pattern May Spell Trouble For Bulls!

Since the 2009 stock market lows, investors have looked to the Semiconductor sector for strong returns and market leadership.

Just check out the performance numbers vs the broader stock market: Semiconductor ETF (SMH) +494% vs  S&P 500 +262%.

With numbers that double those of the S&P 500, it’s fair to say that the Semiconductors have provided important leadership for this bull market.

"It Will Impact The Life Of Every Single Human Being" - The Cryptocurrency Revolution Documentary

The latest short film from Jonathan Roth discusses the advent of the blockchain, where it goes next and how the technology will impact every single human being on the planet.

Featuring investment powerhouses like Frank Giustra and Frank Holmes, as well as mathematician and finance entrepreneur Marco Streng:

The blockchain will disrupt nearly every industry from purchasing groceries to heating your home... everyone from banking to government is racing to develop the technology.

Watch the full movie:
