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Detroit's Digital Divide: Low Income Citizens Build Their Own Internet

Detroit's Digital Divide: Low Income Citizens Build Their Own Internet

The city of Detroit, in the U.S. state of Michigan, has experienced an impressive economic and demographic shift over the past 50-years.

Deindustrialization coupled with depopulation has stripped the city of it’s economic strength cascading it into turmoil. Global competition from automakers shifted manufacturing jobs out of the area. As businesses left, communities decayed, inducing a terrifying surge in violent crime. Urban rot came next festering from within and eventually sending the city into bankruptcy in 2013 where it reemerged in 2014.

Addictions: Social Media & Mobile Phones Fall From Grace

Addictions: Social Media & Mobile Phones Fall From Grace

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Identifying social media and mobile phones as addictive is only the first step in a much more complex investigation.

For everyone who remembers the Early Days of social media and mobile phones, it's been quite a ride from My Space and awkward texting on tiny screens to the current alarm over the addictive nature of social media and mobile telephony.

For The Hesitant Billionaire: Black Friday Means 10% Off Your Next Yacht Booking

For The Hesitant Billionaire: Black Friday Means 10% Off Your Next Yacht Booking

It's not exactly clear what message the following Black Friday offer from Royal Yacht Brokers is meant to send: that billionaires are becoming hesitant with their yacht charters, which would seem at odds with someone recently laundering $450 million using a rare Da Vinci painting, or that Credit Suisse's ultra high net worth clients who comprise the peak of this pyramid...


Another One: Japan's "Fake Data" Scandal Hits Mitsubishi Materials

Another One: Japan's "Fake Data" Scandal Hits Mitsubishi Materials

So Kobe Steel was not an isolated incident and faking data on manufacturing quality in Japan is quite common, as other lower profile scandals at Nissan Motor and Takata proved. Today another culprit has come to light: Mitsubishi Materials – which may need to re-consider its corporate philosophy “For People, Society and the Earth” and Articles 2 and 3 of its code of conduct “Safety First” and “Compliance”.
