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"This Is Embarrassing": 2 People Show Up For iPhone 8 Launch in China

Confirming reports that reception for Apple's newly launched iPhone 8 may be "underwhelming" to put it lightly, as the phone provides little if any material improvement over its lower-priced predecessor even as sales for hardcore fans will be cannibalized by the iPhone X, is the following report from Hangzhou, China which shows that all of 2 people were waiting in line for the latest gizmo from Tim Cook.

As Chinese media reports, summarized by David Kersten, "note the barricades for the anticipated queue...

... that had to be put away because only 2 people showed up."

Facebook Will Release 3000 Russia-Linked Election Ads To Congress

Facebook Will Release 3000 Russia-Linked Election Ads To Congress

After Democratic lawmakers exploded with outrage following Facebook's revelation that it sold some $100,000 worth of political advertising to a Russia-linked organization during the presidential campaign, the social media behemoth has agreed to release some of the 3,000 suspect advertisements that appeared on its platform with Congressional investigators, Politico reports.

Equifax Accidentally Directs 200,000 Customers To Fake Phishing Website

Equifax Accidentally Directs 200,000 Customers To Fake Phishing Website

And the hits just keep coming for Equifax, the once-trusted credit-monitoring firm that has been embroiled in one of the biggest corporate public-relations disasters in recent memory since disclosing that hackers had penetrated its cyber security defenses and absconded with sensitive personal and financial data belonging to 143 million Americans. Because of the types of data that were stolen, including drivers' license, social security and credit-card numbers, experts have described the hack as possibly the most damaging corporate hack yet.
