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China Unveils Emergency Drill To "Shut Down Harmful Websites"

China Unveils Emergency Drill To "Shut Down Harmful Websites"

China's 19th National Congress of the Communist Party - the quinquennial confab where the party selects new members of the Politburo, its ruling council - is expected to begin this fall (official dates have not yet been publicly announced). And in an effort to guarantee that the leadership reshuffle goes off without a hitch, President Xi Jinping is tightening the government’s grip on the internet to help protect the official narrative that Xi's "Chinese Dream" remains intact.

Website email again working

Dear Readers,

For more than one month the website’s google email would not function. If you have sent during June 28-August 1 questions, comments, interview requests, republication requests, I did not receive them.

We have the email working. Other parts of the website continue to have problems. Most likely the website will be redone. If so, hopefully any downtime will be minimum.

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Wikileaks Reveals "Dumbo": Tool That Allows CIA To Shut Down Cameras And Microphones

Since Wikileaks began releasing classified CIA documents back in March as part of its “Vault 7” series of leaks, purportedly the largest document dump in the agency’s history, it has publicly unveiled programs with innocent sounding names like “Marble”, “Scribbles” and “Archimedes” that the agency employs to help execute its operations, or to cover its tracks.

YouTube Takes Steps To Censor "Controversial" (a.k.a. "Conservative") Content

YouTube Takes Steps To Censor "Controversial" (a.k.a. "Conservative") Content

Last night YouTube took to its 'Official Blog' to more or less announce that they would be taking steps to censor content they found to be "controversial" even if it didn't break any laws or violate the site's user agreement.  And while the message vowed to be part of an effort to "fight terror content online," the move was met wth widespread skepticism among YouTuber's as nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to censor conservative speech.
