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Researchers Discover That Social Media Can Be Used To Predict Riots, Revolutions, And Even The Weather

Researchers Discover That Social Media Can Be Used To Predict Riots, Revolutions, And Even The Weather

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Most of us don’t give much thought to what we post on social media, and a lot of what we see on social media is pretty innocuous. However, it only seems that way at first glance. The truth is that what we post online has a frightening potential. According to recent research from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Washington, the things we post on social media could be utilized by software to predict future events.

Top Canadian Court Permits Worldwide Internet Censorship

Authored by Aaron Mackey, Corynne McSherry, and Vera Ranieri via The Electronic Frontier Foundation,

A country has the right to prevent the world’s Internet users from accessing information, Canada’s highest court ruled on Wednesday.

In a decision that has troubling implications for free expression online, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld a company’s effort to force Google to de-list entire domains and websites from its search index, effectively making them invisible to everyone using Google’s search engine

It Begins: WalMart Warns Truckers It Will No Longer Work With Them If They Move Goods For Amazon

It Begins: WalMart Warns Truckers It Will No Longer Work With Them If They Move Goods For Amazon

The cold war between America's two largest retailers just turned hot.

In a note this morning from Deutsche Bank's freight and logistics analyst Amit Mehrotra, he notes that  the "WMT vs. AMZN battle is heating up" and points to a report by DV Velocity, according to which a well respected transportation industry consultant told attendees of a logistics conference that Walmart (WMT) is telling trucking companies that it will no longer do business with them if they continue moving goods for Amazon (AMZN).
