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Trump Jr. Was Allegedly Told Russian Government Behind Damaging Clinton Info: NYT

With the shift in the "Russian collusion" narrative over the last 24 hours, which has seamlessly drifted away from Donald Trump (Senior) and now seeks to pin the Putin-Puppet tail on his son, Donald Trump Jr, it appears The New York Times is also once again shifting the narrative. Having admitted he took a meeting regarding potentially compromising information on Hillary as part of opposition research - just as the Clinton campaign did against Trump, only using Ukraine sources - NYT now reports that three people have told them that Trump Jr.

Putin Reveals What He Discussed With Trump In Two-Hour Long First Meeting

Putin Reveals What He Discussed With Trump In Two-Hour Long First Meeting

Following their first ever, 2+ hour meeting which was originally supposed to last only 30-40 minutes, the question on everyone's mind was what did the two discuss.

So, in addition to the previously discussed ceasefire agreement in Southwest Syria unexpectedly announced by the two nations, speaking at the beginning of his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Vladimir Putin said that during his first meeting with US President Donald Trump, the two discussed Syria, Ukraine, counterterrorism, and drumroll, the "fight against cyber crime."

Global "Massive Cyberattack" Hits Ukraine, Russia, UK, Norway, Denmark, Spain

Global "Massive Cyberattack" Hits Ukraine, Russia, UK, Norway, Denmark, Spain

Update: in addition to the below listed companies, all of which appear to have been targeted in the global cyberattack including Russia's Rosneft and metals giant Evraz, Danish shipper Maersk, UK ad company WPP, the Ukraine central bank and airport, more targets are emerging including Norway's national security authority which has said that a Ransomeware attack is ongoing in Norway "similar to the attack on Maersk", while Russia's Home Credit Bank said all domestic branches are closed because of the cyber attack.

Russian Lawmaker Issues Sobering Threat: We're Willing To Use Nukes To Defend Crimea

Russian Lawmaker Issues Sobering Threat: We're Willing To Use Nukes To Defend Crimea

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

As of late, the media has forgotten about tensions between Ukraine, NATO, and Russia. Crimea and the conflict in Eastern Ukraine have largely left the public’s awareness. However, that shouldn’t be the case, because this region is still a powder keg that could blow at any time. And if it does, it could easily result in another world war.
