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Ranked: Worst Companies for Employee Retention (U.S. and UK)

The Worst Companies for Employee Retention (U.S. and UK)

Employees consider various factors when committing to a company long term, including a positive work environment, fair compensation, job security, opportunities for professional growth, and resilience against disruptive changes in the economy or technology.

So, which companies have the worst employee retention?

Top Companies for Employee Retention in the U.S. and UK

Top Companies for Employee Retention in the U.S. and UK

Workers weigh various factors when deciding to stay with a company for an extended period. These include a positive work environment, fair compensation, job security, opportunities for professional growth, and resilience against disruptive changes in the economy or technology.

So, which companies excel in employee retention?

Ten Days Before The End Of The World

Ten Days Before The End Of The World

Paul Craig Roberts

The criminally insane governments of the US, UK, and France are sending a flotilla of missile ships, submarines, and an aircraft carrier to attack Syria in the face of Russian warnings. What is the likely outcome of this outrageous act of agression based entirely on an orchestrated and transparent lie, an act of reckless aggression that is more irresponsible and more dangerous than anything done by the demonized Nazi regime in Germany?

Britain behaving like ‘mafia state’ in Skripal case

Britain behaving like ‘mafia state’ in Skripal case – OSCE ex-VP Willy Wimmer

“We, as Europeans, have an experience with the British. We only have to look back to Tony Blair. They lie from one war into the next one.”

The post Britain behaving like ‘mafia state’ in Skripal case appeared first on

UK Ambassador Craig Murray Asks If You Are Aware Of This Fact

UK Ambassador Craig Murray Asks If You Are Aware Of This Fact

“OPCW [Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons] inspectors have had full access to all known Russian chemical weapons facilities for over a decade – including those identified by the “Novichok” alleged whistleblower Mirzayanov – and last year OPCW inspectors completed the destruction of the last of 40,000 tonnes of Russian chemical weapons.”

Have you read this fact in the New York Times, Washington Post, or heard it on NPR, CNN, MSNBC, or from any of the presstitutes?
