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Britain Rejects Trump's Call To Make Nigel Farage US Ambassador

Britain Rejects Trump's Call To Make Nigel Farage US Ambassador

In his latest surprising tweet on Monday evening, Donald Trump revealed an unprecedented expression of support for Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage - whom he met after his election victory before any other EU leaders - to be made British ambassador to Washington, saying "many people would like to see Nigel Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!."

Wolfgang Schäuble Resorts To Threats And Extortion Over Brexit

Wolfgang Schäuble Resorts To Threats And Extortion Over Brexit

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble warns the UK faces stiff rules on tax breaks and prolonged EU payments.

Such threats are nothing more than an extortion attempt by the EU on the UK.

Schäuble’s threats are laughable because they are unenforceable, yet extremely serious because of likely end results.


Marine Le Pen Takes "Huge Lead" In French Presidential Election Poll Just Days After Being Written Off

Marine Le Pen Takes "Huge Lead" In French Presidential Election Poll Just Days After Being Written Off

The pollsters have done it again. Just four days after the Independent reported that pollsters said  Marine Le Pen has "next to no chance" of winning the French presidency...


Britain Passes The "Snooper Charter" Ending All Privacy

Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,

Britain has passed what everyone calls the “snooper’s charter” otherwise known as the Investigatory Powers Bill.


This new legislation establishes the legal framework authorizing the government to hack into devices, networks and services in bulk and to create vast databases of personal information on all UK citizens. This is a preliminary step for a movement to impose worldwide taxation on Brits.


Europe Orders Britain Not To Call Terrorists Muslims, Even If They Are

The European Union have ordered the British press to stop exposing the religious beliefs of terrorists if they turn out to be Muslims.  According to the European Commission against Rasism and Intolerance (ECRI), the British press is to blame for an increase in so-called hate speech in the UK due to the fact that they often use anti-Islamic rhetoric when referring to terrorists. The report says: some traditional media, particularly tabloids… are responsible for most of the offensive, discriminatory and provocative terminology.
