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EU Plans $290K Per Person Fine For Countries Refusing "Fair Share" Of Refugees; Angry Response Ensues

EU Plans $290K Per Person Fine For Countries Refusing "Fair Share" Of Refugees; Angry Response Ensues

As Norway offers cash for refugees to leave, announcing that they won't be accepting any more refugees from the EU, and Switzerland prepares its military to close down borders, the EU has seemingly had enough of every country acting as if it has any type of sovereignty left. The European Commission has announced that it is going to pull rank on everyone, and in Obama-like fashion, will be fining countries for not taking their fair share of refugees.

"Unexpected" Australian Rate Cut To Record Low Unleashes FX Havoc, Global "Risk Off"

"Unexpected" Australian Rate Cut To Record Low Unleashes FX Havoc, Global "Risk Off"

Three months ago, when Australia unexpectedly revealed that its recent "stellar" job numbers had in fact been cooked we asked, rhetorically, why the sudden admission it was all a lie? Simple: weakness in commodity prices "is far greater than people had been expecting,” the nation's top economist said. Australia is now "swimming against the tide" because of uncertainties in the global economy, he added.

Anti-Semitism Excuse Used To Enforce Israeli Will & Crush Palestinians

The recent anti-Semitism which-hunt in the Labour Party will have far reaching consequences for the party and politics in the UK. Besides putting in place pressure to stifle criticism of Israel, it also subjects the Palestinians to suffer quietly, for even words would not be permitted to direct conversation and action towards their plight. In the meantime men of honour will be humiliated, freedom curtailed and anti-Semitism used as a baton to bash the Palestinians and their supporters, both figuratively and literally, at home and abroad, for the ever present needs of Israel.
