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Is The Short Squeeze Over? Global Rally Fizzles, Futures Lower

Is The Short Squeeze Over? Global Rally Fizzles, Futures Lower

Unlike Monday's global PMI deterioration (which sent markets around the globe soaring), there was little in terms of macroeconomic data overnight (German IFO earlier missed on expectations and business climate but beat on current assessment) so the "market made the news." These came most from the USDJPY which has continued to fall, sliding to 111.85 overnight, and dragging the Nikkei to a -0.4% drop.

Steen Jakobsen Explains What Brexit Really Means: "No Good Outcomes To This"

Steen Jakobsen Explains What Brexit Really Means: "No Good Outcomes To This"

Authored by Saxobank CIO Steen Jakobsen, via,

  • Cameron's EU deal is far short of what he promised
  • This represents formal acceptance of a two-tier Europe
  • Populists elsewhere already calling for their own referendums
  • By October, Cameron and Merkel could be history and Le Pen's star shining

 No wonder David Cameron looks worried.  

Cable Crashes To 7 Year Lows As Brexit Battle Begins

Cable Crashes To 7 Year Lows As Brexit Battle Begins

With the UK's referendum on EU membership due in four months, it appears the market is gravely concerned about the possibility of Brexit. Despite the unleashing of Project Fear (both military and corporate fearmongery), cable (GBPUSD) has crashed 2.3% (the most in 7 years) to its lowest in 7 years, and both FX volatility and credit risk Brexit indicators are soaring to record highs.

Just as we warned, Friday's dubious gains have evaporated and cable is crashing to 7 years lows...



As Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid notes,
