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UK Public Schools Forcing Girls As Young As Four To Wear Muslim Veil

UK Public Schools Forcing Girls As Young As Four To Wear Muslim Veil

Research published in The Sunday Times this week revealed that eight state-funded British schools are forcing children to wear the Islamic hijab along with other Muslim female dress code requirements, which includes girls as young as four. The findings are based on open source investigations into published dress code directives of 176 Muslim schools across Britain, most of which are private.

UK Slams Tariffs On Bombardier: "This Is Not What We Expect From A Long-Term Partner"

UK Slams Tariffs On Bombardier: "This Is Not What We Expect From A Long-Term Partner"

It appears the Commerce Department's preliminary ruling, issued late last night, to slap a 220% tariff on Canadian aircraft manufacturer Bombardier could trigger an all-out trade war between the UK and Canada (on one side) and the US (on the other) as public officials in the UK and Canada blasted the ruling and threatened retaliation should the sanctions, which still need to be approved by the US International Trade Commission, become permanent.

Three Cheers For MEP Dan Hannan: Why Not A Better Brexit Deal For Everyone?

Three Cheers For MEP Dan Hannan: Why Not A Better Brexit Deal For Everyone?

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

The EU values political correctness more than jobs.

The result was a collapse in support for Angela Merkel, and the rise of AfD and FDP in Germany. Let’s not forget Marine Le Pen in France, Beppe Grillo in Italy, and the far right in Austria.

For the sake of political correctness, the EU is bound and determined to punish the UK for Brexit even though new studies suggest that a Hard Brexit Will hurt the EU More Than Britain.

Global Stocks Mixed After "Nightmare Victory" For Merkel; Chinese Property Developers Crash

Global Stocks Mixed After "Nightmare Victory" For Merkel; Chinese Property Developers Crash

European stocks rose as the euro tumbled following Germany’s election result which was dubbed a "Nightmare Victory" for Merkel and could lead to potentially complicated coalition talks and perhaps even another early election. U.S. equity-index futures point to a lower open, while Asian equities slide after a plunge in Chinese property developer names over worries of new real estate curbs as well as tech stocks following more iPhone delivery concerns. S&P500 futures are steady, down slightly by just over -0.1%, after closing little changed on Friday.

European Commission Responds To Theresa May Speech

As promised, the European Commission responded promptly to Theresa May's speech with remarks from Michel Barnier hitting the tape, in which he says that "Prime Minister Theresa May has expressed a constructive spirit which is also the spirit of the European Union during this unique negotiation" and notes that "Today, for the first time, the United Kingdom government has requested to continue to benefit from access to the Single Market, on current terms, and to continue to benefit from existing cooperation in security.
