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"None Of It Was True": 103 Years Later, The FT Admits It Lied And Colluded With The Bank of England

"None Of It Was True": 103 Years Later, The FT Admits It Lied And Colluded With The Bank of England

When one strips away the lies about central banks' "inflation and employment" mandates and focuses on what they really do - which is to keep asset prices artificially supported and volatility suppressed - the motive behind virtually every central bank act becomes readily apparent: preserve (and increase, if possible) confidence in the market and economy, while saying anything and everything that helps achieve this, or in other words, lie but don't get caught.

Nassim Taleb Warns "Something Is Broken In The UK Intellectual Sphere"

Nassim Taleb Warns "Something Is Broken In The UK Intellectual Sphere"

Authored by Nassim Taleb via,

The BBC did some kind of educational cartoon on Roman Britain and represented “diversity” in terms of someone looking African in the show as representative of “diversity” at the time.

The BBC was effectively applying quotas retroactively (I mean, really retroactively). Any dissent from the statistical errors made by the politically correct police is treated as apostasy. Effectively, scholarship is dead in the U.K.

Frontrunning: August 7

  • Futures slightly higher after Dow's record run (Reuters)
  • Tillerson says U.S., Russia can settle differences (Reuters)
  • Hot-Stock Rally Tests the Patience of Value Investors (WSJ)
  • ‘Good Conservative’ Grassley Ramps Up His Panel’s Trump-Russia Probe (BBG)
  • Brands Strike Back: Seven Strategies to Loosen Amazon’s Grip (WSJ)
  • Oil slides from nine-week highs as market looks to OPEC (Reuters)
  • BlackRock, Vanguard Say Bond Market's Got This Trade All Wrong (BBG)
  • Bond Bears Balk at 'Trade of Decade' (BBG)
