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May Vows "Enough Is Enough", Slams "Evil Islamist Extremism" As "One Of Great Challenges Of Our Time"

May Vows "Enough Is Enough", Slams "Evil Islamist Extremism" As "One Of Great Challenges Of Our Time"

After the third deadly terrorist attack on UK soil in less than three months (and one which paradoxically took place just days after the UK lowered its "imminent attack" terror alert), Prime Minister Theresa May - facing a crucial election on Thursday - vowed to (finally?) step up Britain’s fight against Islamist extremism, saying “enough is enough” after Saturday night's terrorist attacks left seven dead and 48 injured.


Trump Blasts London Terrorist Attacks: "We Must Stop Being Politically Correct" Or "It Will Only Get Worse"

After a torrid night, in which at least seven people were killed in a terrorist rampage by three knife-wielding assailants in London, President Trump took to Twitter to warn terrorism will “only get worse” if officials don’t “get down to the business of security for our own people” and end political correctness.

Stocks Set For New All-Time Highs, Nikkei Rises Above 20,000, Oil Slides

Stocks Set For New All-Time Highs, Nikkei Rises Above 20,000, Oil Slides

The day after Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, stocks are set for new all time highs with S&P futures up 0.2%, boosted by green markets across Europe and Asia, where the Nikkei rose above 20,000 for the first time since 2015. World stocks are set for new record highs, having already gained 11% so far this year, ahead of today's US nonfarm payrolls which are expected to increase by 185,000 jobs after surging 211,000 in April.
