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"Painstakingly Detailed" EU Brexit Document Demands UK Payment For Everything

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Brexit without a signed agreement looks increasingly likely as I suggested all along.

EU documents reveal “Painstaking Brexit Detail” down to the smallest item demanded by every nation.

The document also demands arbitration by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). These are both non-starters from the UK side. 

Greek, Italian Risks Weigh On European, Global Markets; Oil, Gold Slide

Greek, Italian Risks Weigh On European, Global Markets; Oil, Gold Slide

Tuesday's session started off on the back foot, with the Euro first sliding on Draghi's dovish comments before Europarliament on Monday where he signaled no imminent change to ECB’s forward guidance coupled with a Bild report late on Monday according to which Greece was prepared to forego its next debt payment if not relief is offered by creditors, pushing European stocks lower as much as -0.6%. However the initial weakness reversed after Greece's Tzanakopoulos denied the Bild report, sending the Euro and European bank stocks higher from session lows.

Brexodus Builds - More EU Citizens Are Leaving The UK

Brexodus Builds - More EU Citizens Are Leaving The UK

After the Brexit referendum, more EU citizens are leaving Britain, while less Europeans are coming in. As the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show, 2016 brought 84,000 less migrants, compared to the previous year. Statista's Fabian Moebus points out that the net migration of 248,000 people is the lowest number of yearly newcomers in over three years.
