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UK Terror Threat Level Lowered To "Severe" As Police Tear Down Terrorist Cell

UK Terror Threat Level Lowered To "Severe" As Police Tear Down Terrorist Cell

Four days after UK Prime Minister Theresa May announced on Tuesday the nation's terror threat level was raised to the highest possible, "Critical" level in response to the Manchester suicide bombing which killed 22 people, and resulted in British troops being deployed on the streets of London for the first time in a decade, on Saturday Theresa May said Britain had lowered its security threat level to "severe" following a number of arrests and significant activity by police investigating the suicide bomb attack.

Manhunt For Suicide Bomber Accomplices Leads To Arrests In Libya, Manchester

Manhunt For Suicide Bomber Accomplices Leads To Arrests In Libya, Manchester

Update: Having mobilized hundreds of soldiers to protect key landmarks across London, the British police launced a huge manhunt for “a network” of accomplices who may have helped Salman Abedi build the suicide bomb and "who could be ready to kill again."  Part of yesterday's hike in the UK risk threat assessment is the fear that Abedi could have been working as part of a group of accomplices with possible links to militant groups who have the competence to plot and execute suicide bombings.
