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The EU Is One Big Fatal Flaw

The EU Is One Big Fatal Flaw

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

The true face of the EU is presently on display in Greece, not in Germany or Holland or France. Brussels must first fix what’s going wrong in Athens and the Aegean, and there’s a lot going wrong, before it can move on towards the future, indeed towards any future at all. It has a very tough job in Italy as well, which it’s trying hard to ignore.

The EU's Draft Brexit Guidelines Look Anything But Punitive

Open Europe's Vincenzo Scarpetta gives his initial take on the first draft of the EU's guidelines for the upcoming Brexit negotiations.

European Council President Donald Tusk is a man of his word. He promised he would have a first draft of the Brexit negotiating guidelines for the 27 remaining EU member states ready within 48 hours from the moment the UK triggered the Article 50 exit mechanism – and he delivered. Overall, the document reads as anything but punitive. Below are my initial thoughts.
