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Richie Allen Wonders What’s So Great About the UK Bombing Muslims And Inviting Attack

Richie Allen Wonders What’s So Great About the UK Bombing Muslims And Inviting Attack

“Our shared values” “We’ll never be divided” “They hate our freedom” “This evil must be defeated…….”
These are the nauseating clichés ringing around Westminster this morning. It’s a tired old refrain indeed. In the last 15 years alone, the villains who inhabit/have inhabited that building, have murdered millions of people, yes millions, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, through the authorisation of military interventions. 

London Attacker Was UK-Born, Previously Investigated By UK Spies Over "Violent Extremism", May Says

London Attacker Was UK-Born, Previously Investigated By UK Spies Over "Violent Extremism", May Says

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May told British lawmakers that one attacker was responsible for the deadly Westminster terror incident in London on Wednesday, and that the attacker had been investigated by security services in the past.  “It’s still believed that this attacker acted alone,” May told lawmakers in the House of Commons.

May said that a British-born man inspired by Islamist ideology, who had been previously investigated by MI-5 is responsible for the attack.

Five People Killed, At Least 40 Injured After Terrorist In SUV "Mows Down" Pedestrians In London

Five People Killed, At Least 40 Injured After Terrorist In SUV "Mows Down" Pedestrians In London

Live feed from SkyNews: 


The moment that shots rang out...
