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United Kingdom

Uber Used "Secret" Greyball Tool To Deceive Authorities

In the latest public relations fiasco to hit Unicorn champion Uber (the company remains the most valuable private company in the world at a valuation of $68 billion), just days after it emerged that the company was allegedly engaged in sexual harassment according to a disgruntled employee, and shortly after a video leaked showing Uber CEO having a meltdown while being driven in one of his own vehicles, the NYT reports, citing current and former employees, that Uber has for years engaged in a program to deceive authorities in markets where its service was being resisted or banned by law enfo

Pound Tumbles On Report Scotland May Hold Second Independence Referendum

Pound Tumbles On Report Scotland May Hold Second Independence Referendum

As recently as two weeks ago, a repeat Scottish independent referendum seemed improbable.

As Reuters reported on February 10, according to a senior British minister, Britain saw no need for a second Scottish independence referendum and the devolved Scottish government should focus on improving the economy and tacking domestic issues rather than "flirting with secession."

UK Terror Threat Higher Than 9/11, Says Watchdog

The UK faces a higher risk of a terror attack than it did immediately following 9/11, according to Britain’s terror watchdog.  Max Hill, a new independent reviewer of terrorism legislation warned that ISIS were actively targeting UK cities, and that a risk of an imminent attack involving mass civilian casualties hasn’t been as high since the IRA bombing campaign of the 1970’s.

Barclays Server Crash Leaves Customers Unble To Withdraw Cash, Use Debit Cards

Having managed to stem its recent earnings rout, reporting a Q4 rebound in income from continuing operations which rose to £380 million after reporting a loss of £2.24 billion a year ago, UK's Barclays is facing a more traditional problem: on Saturday Barclays customers have reported problems using their cards in shops and withdrawing money from some cash machines according to the BBC.
