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Britain To Deploy Warships To Surround Russian Border

Britain is gearing up to deploy warships to surround the Russian border for the first time since the Cold War, sparking fears that a war between Russia and the West is looming.  In an attempt to deter Russia from invading Ukraine, British authorities will deploy a Type 45 destroyer HMS Diamond, carrying sixty Special Boat Service and Royal Marine commandos on board.

Goldman Moves UK Office to US - You Won't Like Why

GS moves Fund Client Business from London to the US. That makes No Sense.

Via Soren K. and MarketSlant

  • Question: Why is GS London leaving the UK, moving to the US, and not Germany or Paris?
  • Answer: Not Brexit. Nope. It's because Dodd-Frank is getting rolled back. Prop trading is back folks. Because our government is stupid. Finally, The Donald is looking more and more like a Bush Brother, namely Jeb. Love the Squid. 

Comments from  Energy Trader and Marketmaker Background Sources

Nigel Farage Delighted After UK Parliament Overwhelmingly Votes To Trigger Brexit

In a victory for Prime Minister Theresa May, the UK Parliament's House of Commons voted overwhelmingly to trigger Britain's exit from the European Union, defeating attempts by pro-EU lawmakers to attach extra conditions to her plan to start divorce talks by March 31. 494 to 122 lawmakers voted in favor of a law giving EU nationals the automatic right to remain in the UK as the first piece of legislation to authorise Brexit made its way through the Commons, ending days of intense debate which have tested May's slim parliamentary majority.

55% Of Europeans Agree With Trump: "Muslim Immigration Should Be Banned"

President Donald Trump’s executive order to ban citizens of seven Muslim-majority states from entering the US for 90 days, and temporarily freeze all refugee arrivals (including Syrians indefinitely), has been interpreted widely as an attempt to curtail the inward migration of Muslims, which Trump and his supporters argue pose a threat to national security. It has also been challenged legally, and today a showdown between the DOJ and a San Francisco Court of Appeals is scheduled for 6pm, at which point the Trump order may be formally rejected, forcing Trump to engage the Supreme Court.
