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United Kingdom

British Foreign Secretary Accuses Saudi Arabia Of “Proxy Wars”

British officials are not to happy about Boris Johnson’s recent criticism of their ally Saudi Arabia. Last week Johnson, the UK foreign secretary, blasted the Kingdom over its “proxy wars” in the Middle East and its military aggression against Yemen. Downing Street has been trying to gloss over Johnson’s remarks saying they are his own personal views and do not represent “the government’s position” His comments emerged just as Theresa May returned from a visit to Bahrain where she had dinner with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.

MI6 Chief Says Russia Fueling ‘Unprecedented’ UK Terror Threat

The head of Britain’s MI6 spy agency has accused Russia of being the main contributor to an “unprecedented” terrorism threat that he says the UK is currently facing. In his first public speech since taking office in 2014, Secret Intelligence Service boss Alex Younger said that Moscow’s military efforts against ISIS terrorists in Syria were threatening the security of Britain.

U.K. Government Admits Funding ISIS

The U.K. government is funding ISIS to the tune of $723 million, according to leaked British government documents. The leaked documents reveal the British government is sending $723 million in “aid” to Somalia while admitting it is “certain” to be used to fund terror groups ISIS and Al-Shabaab. The revelation that the UK is funding ISIS comes in a leaked 41-page business plan drawn up by the UK’s Department for International Department. The Daily Mail reports that the document, leaked to The Mail on Sunday, outlines strategy until 2020, and is marked ‘Official Sensitive’ on every page.

Benny Hill Classified As ‘Porn’, Banned Under New UK Laws

The Benny Hill Show is to be banned from U.K. screens as “offensive, obscene pornography” under a controversial new British law. A list of sexual acts including “spanking” have been banned from UK entertainment and pornography for being “offensive, obscene or potentially life endangering” and The Benny Hill Show, a British sitcom that aired between 1955 and 1991 in over 140 countries has been deemed unsuitable for British screens in 2016.
