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United Kingdom

‘Alarming’ Number Of Children Missing From British Care Homes

Child trafficking victims and unaccompanied children are going missing from UK local authority care homes at an “alarming high” rate according to a new report According to research published last month by ECPAT UK and Missing People, of the nearly 760 trafficked or unaccompanied children who disappeared from care homes across the UK last year, over 200 have not been found.

Hundreds Report Child Sex Abuse At Youth Football Clubs In UK

Police chiefs have said that around 350 victims have reported child sexual abuse within UK football clubs, deepening the scandal that is currently rocking British football. The National Police Chiefs’ Council said on Thursday that a “significant number of calls” had been received after several former players reported sex abuse by coaches when they were children. According to the NSPCC, a hotline that was set up to help victims report the abuse had received 860 calls in its first week.

Bombshell: UN Orders Immediate Release Of Julian Assange

The United Nations has dealt a bitter blow to the UK government, ordering them to immediately release Julian Assange from his “illegal detention”. The UN rejected a UK appeal against its previous ruling in favor of Assange as “inadmissible,” which means that both the UK and Sweden will be forced to free the WikiLeaks founder with immediate effect. “Now that all appeals are exhausted, I expect that the UK and Sweden will comply with their international obligations and set me free,” Julian Assange said in a statement.

RBS Tumbles After Failing BoE's "Toughest Ever Stress Test"

RBS Tumbles After Failing BoE's "Toughest Ever Stress Test"

While the term 'stress test' has been applied almost mockingly to European and US banks in an effort to create confidence for investors (because if the government sees risks 'contained' then why worry), this morning's Bank of England stress test results highlighted "capital inadequacies" for three major UK banks. While Barclays and Standard Chartered fell short, it is taxpayer-owned Royal Bank of Scotland that is slumping on a need to cut costs, raise capital, and sell assets.

Online Porn Banned In UK As Digital Economy Bill Passes

The House of Common has passed a Bill that effectively bans porn in the United Kingdom, requiring users to register before viewing anything deemed ‘adult’.  The Orwellian new rules will prohibit most sex acts from being depicted in videos and pictures online, and any other type of sex will require strict age verification before they are shown to the user. The Digital Economy Bill has been criticized as making the internet in the UK more restricted than China.
