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United Kingdom

Britain’s Draconian Surveillance Bill Becomes Law

Britain’s intelligence agencies and police have been given unprecedented levels of power regarding the surveillance of its citizens after the Investigatory Powers Act, dubbed the ‘snooper’s charter’ officially become law. The Bill was given royal assent on Tuesday, meaning that the government’s sweeping surveillance rules will now pass into law in 2017. The new surveillance law requires web and phone companies to store everyone’s web browsing histories for 12 months and give the police, security services and official agencies unprecedented access to the data.

Frontrunning: November 29

  • Monte dei Paschi’s Future Hangs on Sunday Vote (WSJ)
  • Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Could Face Conflict-of-Interest Questions (WSJ)
  • In OPEC’s High-Stakes Poker Game, Iran and Iraq Call Saudi Bluff (BBG)
  • Iran, Iraq at loggerheads with Saudis ahead of OPEC meeting (Reuters)
  • High-Profile Private Investors Take Hit on Theranos (WSJ)
  • Trump Bubble Burst Will Drive Yen to 98 per Dollar: UBS Wealth (BBG)
  • Euro-Area Confidence Rises as ECB Reviews Asset-Purchase Program (BBG)

"Europe Will Devalue Or Dissolve..."

"Europe Will Devalue Or Dissolve..."

Submitted by John Rubino via,

No rest for the wicked. With the shockwaves from Brexit and President Trump still reverberating around the world, the established order is bracing for more bad news. Next up is a December 4 Italian constitutional referendum that might end the reign of centrist prime minister Matteo Renzi and replace him with a bunch of anti-euro iconoclasts from the Brexit/Trump part of the spectrum. Here’s an excerpt from a much longer, deep-context Guardian UK article:

Wikileaks Releases Half A Million Diplomatic Cables From "Year Zero" Of The Modern Era

Coming on the sixth year anniversary of the infamous "Cablegate", when on this day in 2010 Wikileaks made global headlines when it unveiled classified cables sent to the US State Department, revealing assessments of countries and details of eavesdropping, this morning WikiLeaks released more than half a million US diplomatic cables from 1979, covering various diplomatic events and incidents such as the Iranian revolution, Osama bin Ladin's departure of his native Saudi Arabia for Pakistan to support the Mujahideen, the siege of Mecca, Saddam Hussein becoming president of Iraq and much more.
