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United States Army

"You Grow Up Wanting To Be Luke Skywalker, Then Realize You've Become A Stormtrooper For The Empire"

"You Grow Up Wanting To Be Luke Skywalker, Then Realize You've Become A Stormtrooper For The Empire"

Authored by US Army combat veteran Daniel Crimmins via,

You grew up wanting so bad to be Luke Skywalker, but you realize that you were basically a Stormtrooper, a faceless, nameless rifleman, carrying a spear for empire, and you start to accept the startlingly obvious truth that these are people like you.

U.S. Army Launches "Jungle Warfare Training" Camp

U.S. Army Launches "Jungle Warfare Training" Camp

The United States Army gave up its jungle training school in Panama in 1999 when the U.S. returned land there to the Panamanian government.  A couple years later jungle training was all but phased out in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks as the Army focused money and manpower on preparing soldiers to fight in the mountainous desert terrains of Afghanistan and Iraq. 

US Army Deployed To Europe As War With Russia Looms

The U.S. army has deployed tanks and military personnel to Europe amid mounting fears of a war with Russia following accusations that they influenced the U.S. election.  Following Obama’s announcement that he would take “action” against Russia for interfering in the election, the U.S. army were ordered to send tanks to a Cold War site in the Netherlands in preparation for a potential conflict. reports: The U.S. and Dutch military reopened the Eygelshoven site on Thursday.