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United States

America's Plunging Worker Productivity Explained (In 1 Depressing Chart)

America's Plunging Worker Productivity Explained (In 1 Depressing Chart)

The US became an unsustainable service sector based economy from the 1970s onward when service sector employment diverged from manufacturing without a corresponding boost in productivity. Even Alan Greenspan has warned that America is "in trouble basically because productivity is dead in the water..." There are numerous reasons for this plunge in worker-productivity, from perverted inventives not to work to unintended consequences of monetary policy enabling zombies, but perhaps the most critical driver is exposed in the following dismal chart...

Trump's Take On Close Encounters With Russian Fighter Jets: "At A Certain Point You Gotta Shoot"

Now that there have been at least four documented close encounters between Russian fight jets and US ships and/or spy planes (including two barrel rolls) in the past two weeks, each of which has taken place in the immediate vicinity of Russia's borders (or above Russian naval bases), there have been two recurring questions: i) why does the US continue provoking Russia with its "fly-by" attempts, well aware what the Russian response would be and ii) if one simply ignores who was the instigator, why has Obama not contacted Putin to at least express indignation at these interceptions.

Saudi Foreign Minister Repeats Warning To US Over Sept 11 Law

Saudi Foreign Minister Repeats Warning To US Over Sept 11 Law

The biggest financial and geopolitical story from mid-April was Saudi Arabia's threat that should the US pass a bipartisan law which would take away immunity from foreign governments in cases arising from a "terrorist attack that kills an American on American soil" and specifically could hold the Saudi kingdom responsible for its role in the Sept 11, 2001 attacks, then the Saudis would retaliate by selling up to $750 billion in American assets



Authored by David Hay, via,

"Low interest rates cause secular stagnation: they do not cure it.” -CHARLES GAVE


“Negative interest rates are the dumbest idea ever.” -JEFF GUNDLACH, the new “King of Bonds”


“Laugh but listen.” -WINSTON CHURCHILL, addressing the British House of Commons, warning it once again of the rising threat posed by Nazi Germany, to derisive laughter.
