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Bloomberg UNMASKED - The Truth about ZH from Forex perspective

Bloomberg UNMASKED - The Truth about ZH from Forex perspective

We've been a Forex author for many years on Zero Hedge and many other sites.  Writing is a big part of our job as analysts, and educators.  Recently we published a book Splitting Pennies - Understanding Forex to explain this complicated market to investors.  We write by purpose - Forex is the largest market in the world and the least understood.  Because of this, it's not widely covered in the main stream media (MSM) and when it is, it is often mis-characterized.

US-Created System In Iraq Is Collapsing: Protesters Storm Parliament, State of Emergency Declared - Live Webcast

US-Created System In Iraq Is Collapsing: Protesters Storm Parliament, State of Emergency Declared - Live Webcast

Less than two years ago, the US set up another puppet government in the mid-east this time in the state of Iraq when following substantial US pressure, on August 14, 2014 then prime minister al-Maliki agreed to stepped down and be replaced with Haider al-Abadi.
