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Iran's Massive Oil Fleet Begins To Move: 29 Million Barrels Depart Iran In Past 2 Weeks

A recurring oil market theme in the past few months has been the speculation that despite its jawboning that it is ready and willing to boost crude production, Iran has had a hard time getting both the funding and the required infrastructure to substantially boost its production to recapture its supply levels last seen before the recent US sanctions. That however appears to be changing fast.

Recall all those tankers we have profiled before on anchor next to the Iran shore?


They have finally started to move.

Do Ongoing Global Events Prove The World Is Ready For Revolution?

Do Ongoing Global Events Prove The World Is Ready For Revolution?

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

Paralleling the increasingly draconian policies marking a worldwide descent into fascism, are massive protests — born in the Arab Spring, but arguably an angrier, more potent extension of the Occupy movement — indicative of an unprecedented tipping point.


We, the people of this planet, now stand together, gazing over the precipice whose murky depths of State repression demand we ask one imperative question: have we finally had enough?

CIA To Arm Syrian Rebels With More Lethal Weapons If Ceasefire Fails

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is preparing to supply Syrian rebels with more powerful weapons should the six week old ceasefire in Syria collapse, US media report “Plan B” will come into force if the truce collapse and negotiations lead nowhere was the message reportedly relayed by CIA Director John Brennan and State Secretary John Kerry in private meetings with their Russian counterparts. Washington and its allies are discussing which weapon systems are to be delivered to “vetted moderate” rebels Wasn’t that the plan all along?
