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Caught On Tape: U.S. Plane Allegedly Drops Weapons for ISIS Militants in Iraq

Caught On Tape: U.S. Plane Allegedly Drops Weapons for ISIS Militants in Iraq

One day after reprorting that British military information services Janes, had found confirmation of several shipments amounting to 3,000 tons of weapons and ammo to Al-Qaeda linked Syrian rebels in a transport solicitation on the U.S. government website, today Veterans Today goes deeper into the rabbit hole and reports that several Iraqi policemen claim to have seen US aircraft dropping weapons and munitions for ISIS terrorists in a region west of the Anbar province on Friday.

Guest Post: The U.S. Dollar - Return Of The King?

Guest Post: The U.S. Dollar - Return Of The King?

Submitted by $hane Obata

USD: Return Of The King

Falling oil prices, China growth fears, submerging markets, Brexit and Italian banks. All of those risks have one thing in common: They have not derailed the US economy. Despite concerns about a recession, it continues to grow at a steady pace. According to the Atlanta Fed, real GDP is expected to grow by 0.7% in Q1’16. That is not a great number; however, the series is extremely volatile.

sources: Bloomberg, @Not_Jim_Cramer

Iraqi Police Claim US Plane Dropped Arms For ISIS Militants

Several Iraqi policemen claim to have seen a US aircraft dropping weapons and munitions for ISIS terrorists in a region west of the Anbar province on Friday. The police purportedly claimed that the American plane also jammed their communication devices in Hadisah Island. AlAlam reports: “There is an American aircraft seen at four o’clock in the morning on Friday over the Hadisah Island district of the Anbar province, delivering weapons and munitions to ISIS criminals,” one of the policemen says.

Let The Carpet Bombing Begin: U.S. Deploys B-52s In Fight Against ISIS

Let The Carpet Bombing Begin: U.S. Deploys B-52s In Fight Against ISIS

Several months ago, the US press and military had a field day with Donald Trump's suggestion to send the heavy equipment to Syria and Iraq and "carpet bomb" the Islamic State. In February, Army Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, who directs the coalition fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, butchered the idea and detailed why it's militarily unacceptable. "Indiscriminate bombing where we don't care if we are killing innocents or combatants is just inconsistent with our values," he said in response to a question from CNN on the possibility of using carpet bombing.

Guest Post - Path to the Great Reset

Guest Post - Path to the Great Reset

Guest Post - Path to the Great Reset


By Joe Withrow


Author of 'The Individual is Rising'



The financial, political and economic powers wish you and I to remain confused about what constitutes money because this promotes apathy and the desire to let the 'experts' remain in control. And while the subject can be complex, it can also be summarized rather elegantly when the author wishes to clarify rather than confuse. We welcome Joe back for another lesson in simplification.

Cognitive Dissonance

