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The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away – But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow

By Brandon Smith

Four years ago the overall sentiment among most alternative and mainstream economists was that the Federal Reserve would NEVER hike interest rates, taper stimulus or reduce their balance sheet into economic weakness. In fact, this was one of the few viewpoints that the mainstream media and independent economists actually agreed on. A few of us had different ideas, though.

Mapped: Beer Consumption in the U.S.

Mapped: Beer Consumption in the U.S.

Beer consumption spans almost the entire world, and is a staple in much of the United States.

When stacked up next to other alcoholic beverages, beer is America’s preferred drink of choice, closely followed by wine and spirits. In fact, it is the fifth most-consumed drink overall in the country, behind coffee, water, soft drinks and tea.

At the end of 2021, beer in the U.S. was a $94.1 billion industry. Alongside massive multinational conglomerations, it is also driven by over 9,000 breweries of different types.
