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United States

Trump Proposes Fascist Measures Against Muslims After Brussels Attacks

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is all pumped up against Muslims, calling for surveillance, torture and banning of people from the Islamic faith following the Belgium terror attacks. “This is going to happen in the United States,” said Trump on his social media account, hours after the horrific suicide bombings in Brussels. He also said that the country of “Belgium” is one of the most beautiful “cities” in the world. How does he get away with it all? Only time will tell. Maybe it is not that difficult being a billionaire!

Who Would Be Better Fighting Terror: Trump or Clinton?

Trump and Clinton both claim they’re the better candidate for stopping terrorism.

Let’s fact-check their statements and their records …


Hillary Clinton is largely responsible for regime change in Libya (for oil and gold?), the war in Syria (to help Israel?), violence in Honduras, and the entire concept of “humanitarian war”.

Clinton is largely responsible for the West’s backing of Al Qaeda and other Islamic terror groups, to act as the tip of the spear in fomenting regime change throughout the Middle East.

Former Goldman Employee Avoids Prison, Gets $5,000 Fine For Stealing Secret NY Fed Documents

Former Goldman Employee Avoids Prison, Gets $5,000 Fine For Stealing Secret NY Fed Documents

One week ago we were stunned to learn, and report, that as part of the "sentencing" of former NY Fed employee Jason Gross who had admitted to stealing confidential Federal Reserve information and passing it on to his former boss Rohit Bansal, then employed at Goldman Sachs, in hopes of generating goodwill and a comfortable post-Fed job at 200 West, he somehow managed to avoid any jail time and instead was slapped with a draconian penalty: a $2,000 fine.... oh and some community service.

Jason Gross

Why Trump Is Right On Trade Agreements

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via,

Free trade is a great concept, as are free markets and freedom.  The problem is none of these things exist in practice because they don’t provide sufficient advantages to the ruling class.  The Fed and HFT systems now dominate global markets, western nations systematically overthrow any (freely elected) foreign government that doesn’t bow down to them and free trade agreements are put in place to ensure investors maximize profits no matter what the costs to society.  Let’s focus on this last one.
