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United States

Pentagon Prepare For Underground War In Major Cities

The Pentagon have announced plans to prepare for wars in megacities such as New York by building huge underground military bases.  The U.S. government have said that a war in a major city is likely to be fought underground and have asked technologists to come forward to help them innovate and prepare for such a scenario. reports: Megacities are a relatively new phenomenon. When the Marines stormed the Halls of Montezuma in 1847, the entire population of the United States was just over 20 million. Today, 20 million people live in or around Mexico City itself.

Preparing For World War 3: US Army Stockpiles Weapons Near China

The U.S. military will place large stockpiles of weapons in various countries bordering China, in a bid to prepare for a potential World War 3 scenario in the near future.  The Army will place munitions in Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, and other “undisclosed locations” – as tensions between China and the West increase. reports: US officials state that the munitions caches, placed within areas China considers to be within its “sphere of influence,” are necessary to respond to regional “threats” by Russia and North Korea, and allow for more rapid deployment.
