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The Fed Decision Explained In 1 Simple Chart

Tumbling US unemployment and surging US inflation is not what really matters to 'Global' Janet. She knows what happened the last time "market" expectations were so disclocatedly bullish relative to "economic" expectations... and doesn't want to be driving the current bus off the great-er depression cliff...

A 'hold' in Sept - rally; a 'hike' in Dec - plunge; and this time 'hold' because everything is so decoupled...


"At The Moment, It's Carnage" - The Startling Truth About China's 'Strong Consumer'

One of the biggest false narratives pitched by the mainstream to mitigate concerns about a global recession, is that even as China's massively overlevered manufacturing sector is careening into a hard landing, China's "strong" consumer base will keep the country's economy afloat (a narrative shared with the U.S.), even though as reported over the past weekend retail sales soundly disappointed expectations, while the latest proxy of China's consumer strenth, namely "record" box office receipts, was recently uncovered to have been - like everything else in China - mostly fabricated.

Largest U.S. Coal Producer Skips Interest Payment, Warns Of Bankruptcy; Stock Crashes

One of the more impressive short squeezes in recent history took place in the first two weeks of March, when the stock of distressed Peabody Energy, the largest U.S. coal producer which employs 8,300 workers, exploded higher from just $2.50 per share at the start of the month to a whopping $6.50 just last week.


Many scratched their heads at this move as nothing fundamental had changed in the company's deteriorating operations, and its bonds are among the most distressed issues trading currently (with upcoming interest payments as we profiled last night).

All Eyes On Yellen: Futures Flat Ahead Of Fed Meeting Expected To Usher In More Rate Hikes

Today Janet Yellen and the FOMC will go back to square one and try to reset global expectations unleashed by the ill-fated December rate "policy mistake" hike, when at 2pm the Fed will announce assessment of the economy (even if not rate hike is expected today) followed by Yellen press conference half an hour later.
