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JPMorgan Corners LME Aluminum Market, Leading To Strange "Price Anomalies"

While not nearly as exciting as JPM cornering and manipulating the gold or silver markets, over the past few years Jamie Dimon's bank appears to have cornered a very prominent commodity traded on the London Metals Exchange, aluminum, resulting in price "anomalies" which as Reuters politely puts it "mean prices do not always reflect fundamentals" and which as we put it, reflect outright manipulation, however because regulators are captured have so far completely slipped through the cracks.

US Recession Data Signals It's A Very Short Road To Capital Controls

Submitted by Simon Black via,

“Prosperity is like a Jenga tower. Take one piece out and the whole thing can fall.”

That’s a direct quote from John Williams, the President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank in a speech he gave a few weeks ago.

He could have just as easily been talking about propaganda. The Fed, the White House, Wall Street, the media have a vested interest in peddling a certain narrative about the economy.

The Biggest Threat To The S&P In The Next Month: "Only Buyer Keeping This Market Alive" Stops Buying

Even Bloomberg gets it.

In a note issued yesterday, the news behemoth reported what our readers had known for years: that "There's Only One Buyer Keeping S&P 500's Bull Market Alive", namely corporate buybacks, the same "buyer" of stocks that the smart money has been selling to for the past 7 weeks.

Dispelling any confusion about who the relentless buyer into the "wall of worry" is, this is what Bloomberg wrote:
