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United States

North Korea Escalation: South Korea, U.S. Prepare For Nuclear Attack

The United States federal government have told authorities on the West coast to make emergency plans in case of a nuclear attack by North Korea, as the situation between North and South Korea have taken a dangerous turn this weekend.  South Korea have warned that they may be forced to react militarily if North Korea continue to provoke them: “If the North continues to make provocations despite the stern warnings made by our military, it is inevitable for us to roll out a strict response that may lead to the destruction of the Pyongyang regime,” the South Korean Chiefs Of Staff said on Satur

Dubai Security Chief Warns Of “Clash Of Civilisations” After Trump Victory

A security chief for the Emirate of Dubai has issued a warning over the prospects of a Donald Trump presidency in the United States. The deputy chairman of police and general security in Dubai, Lt Gen Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, took to Twitter warning  of a “clash of civilisations” if the Republican candidate wins the US election Arabian Business reports: Referencing political scientist Samuel P Huntington’s theory that future wars would be fought between cultures, Tamim warned that a Trump win could see him face ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

North Korean Submarine "Goes Missing" During "Largest Ever" US, South Korea Assault Drill

North Korean Submarine "Goes Missing" During "Largest Ever" US, South Korea Assault Drill

In response to the rising belligerence by North Korea, and its increasingly more frequent rocket launches, U.S. and South Korean troops staged a massive amphibious landing exercise Saturday, storming simulated North Korean beach defenses amid and threats by Pyongyang to annihilate its enemies.

North Korean Submarine Missing, US Officials Confirm

Three senior U.S. military officials have confirmed that North Korea have lost contact with one of its submarines this week.  According to U.S. spy satellites, ships and aircraft have monitored the situation over the past week, and observed that the North Korean navy have been struggling to find the missing sub. reports: “About week ago it went missing and the speculation is that it sank,” the official told USNI News.

Pentagon Admits It 'Kinda Sorta' Deployed Spy Drones Over America

In what will likely not surprise too many, The Pentagon has admitted it has deployed drones to spy over U.S. territory for non-military missions over the past decade. Confirming yet another conspiracy theory is conspiracy fact, FBI director Robert Mueller testified before Congress that the bureau employed spy drones to aid investigations, but in a "very,very minimal way, very seldom." The report concludes, "the appetite to use spy drones in the domestic environment to collect airborne imagery continues to grow."
