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Jihadists Are Selling CIA-Supplied Weapons On Facebook

Jihadists Are Selling CIA-Supplied Weapons On Facebook

Once upon a time, roughly two year ago, the US would vehemently deny that any of its weapons made their way to ISIS, Al Nusra, and the various other jihadist groups operating in the middle east and which the US is, supposedly, targeting for eradication as part of the Syria proxy war. Then, little by little it was revealed that not only is the US not targeting said groups, which led to the Russian bombing campaign unleashed in September, but that it was actively arming them.

U.S. Gov Wants Facebook To Tighten Censorship To Battle ‘Extremist Views’

The U.S. government have urged online media giants such as Facebook and Google to join them in the war against ‘extremism’ and ‘radicalization’ by toughening their censorship rules when dealing with online users harbouring ‘extremist views’.  The Justice Department met with Facebook Inc, Twitter, and Google – reaching out to them for help following the governments failed attempts to thwart ISIS’ presence online.

NATO Prepare To ‘Fight And Win’ War Against Russia

A US Commander has said that he believes NATO are prepared to “fight and win” a war against Russia in the very near future. US European Command (EUCOM) and NATO are ramping up their efforts to expand their military presence on Russia’s borders, US Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Philip Breedlove said on Thursday. Russia have warned that the increased military presence constitutes provocation towards war.

China Warns U.S. Not To Adopt Donald Trump Policies

China warned the U.S. on Wednesday not to adopt punitive currency policies after Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump nudged up another victory in Nevada. Free Bacon reports: Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing that “we are following with interest the U.S. presidential election.” Hua was asked about China’s response to a possible Trump presidency and his announced plan to punish China for currency manipulation with a tax on Chinese goods.
