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United States

Obama’s Cuba Visit

The president will visit Cuba as part of a Latin American tour next month:

The US president confirmed his Cuba trip in a post on Twitter, saying: “Next month, I’ll travel to Cuba to advance our progress and efforts that can improve the lives of the Cuban people.”

Biggest Short Squeeze In 7 Years Continues After Bullard Hints At More QE, OECD Cuts Global Forecasts

Biggest Short Squeeze In 7 Years Continues After Bullard Hints At More QE, OECD Cuts Global Forecasts

Just when traders thought that the biggest and most violent 3-day short squeeze in 7 years was about to end...

... a squeeze that has resulted in 3 consecutive 1%+ sessions for the S&P for the first time since October 2011, overnight we got one of the Fed's biggest faux-hakws, St. Louis Fed's Jim Bullard, who said that it would be "unwise" to continue hiking rates at this moment, and hinted that "if needed", the most natural option for the Fed going forward would be to do further Q.E.

"Bigger Than Watergate" - Hillary Clinton And The Syrian Bloodbath

While we would be the first to admit that we disagree with Jeffrey Sachs on virtually every other issue, on the topic of Hillary Clinton, the ongoing Syria bloodbath which has come to define the geopolitical situation for the past 3 years, and how this is an event that would  "surely rival Watergate in shaking the foundations of the US establishment" if the truth were fully known, we agree 100 percent. 

Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath, by Jeffrey Sachs, originally posted on HuffPo

The US Economy Has Not Recovered And Will Not Recover — Paul Craig Roberts

The US Economy Has Not Recovered And Will Not Recover

Paul Craig Roberts

The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and when the financial system was deregulated.

Jobs offshoring benefitted corporate executives and shareholders, because lower labor and compliance costs resulted in higher profits. These profits flowed through to shareholders in the form of capital gains and to executives in the form of “performance bonuses.” Wall Street benefitted from the bull market generated by higher profits.
