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FOMC Minutes Show Fed Fears Global Financial, Economic Risks, Tight Financial Conditions, China

FOMC Minutes Show Fed Fears Global Financial, Economic Risks, Tight Financial Conditions, China

Since the January FOMC statement, Janet has spoken twice and what seems like every Fed speaker has hit the headlines to explain their decisions (only to confuse the market more) leaving bonds and gold outperforming amid their clear confusion. The Minutes appear to confirm that confusion:

Industrial Production Post Third Consecutive Annual Decline: 90% Chance Of Recession

Industrial Production Post Third Consecutive Annual Decline: 90% Chance Of Recession

In 17 of the 19 times in the last 100 years that Industrial Production has contracted for 3 consecutive months, the US economy has entered recession. Today 0.7% drop YoY is the 3rd month of declines.


The only times in the last 100 years that 3 months of US Industrial Production contraction has not coincided with a recession was in 1934 and 1952... (and the current decline is larger than 1952's in aggregate)


Morgan Stanley Admits "Our Advice Has Been Horrendous", Blames "Bizarro World"

Morgan Stanley Admits "Our Advice Has Been Horrendous", Blames "Bizarro World"

While we have generally disagreed with Morgan Stanley's Adam Parker flipflopping on stocks some two years ago, or just as the market was topping out, we can't find fault with his latest note released today in which he openly admits that "our portfolio advice has been pretty horrendous lately. As my 90-year old Latin teacher used to tell the class in 1985, “son, you are in left field, without a glove, with the sun in your eyes."

Tim Cook Refuses To Comply With "Chilling" Government Demand To "Build A Backdoor" Into iPhone

Tim Cook Refuses To Comply With "Chilling" Government Demand To "Build A Backdoor" Into iPhone

Following the December 2 horrific mass shooting in San Benardino, Judge Sheri Pym of U.S. District Court in Los Angeles said on Tuesday that Apple must provide "reasonable technical assistance" to investigators seeking to unlock data on - in other words hack - an iPhone 5C that had been owned by Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters.

Tim Cook has refused to comply.
