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The 4 Key Themes From Q4 Conference Calls

With Q4 earnings season drawing to a close, here is a quick recap of the key issues facing corporate CEOs and CFOs based on their conference calls as summarized by Goldman's David Kostin: 1) Company managements forecast positive US GDP growth in 2016, in contrast with investor concerns of a potential recession. However, global growth prospects appear grim, particularly within commodity-exposed nations. (2) Strong domestic consumer demand persists amid industrial weakness. (3) Several firms announced large or accelerated share repurchase programs in 2016.

Intelligence Director Says ISIS Planning Chemical Attack On US Soil

The Director of the US National Intelligence Agency has warned that ISIS are preparing to launch a chemical weapon attack against the United States.  Speaking at a global security conference in Munich, James Clapper warned that the terror group are in possession of chemical weapons, and have already used them numerous times in both Iraq and Syria.

60-Mile ‘Gap Of The Apocalypse’ Sealed Off To Avert World War 3

Russia and the United States have reached an historic agreement to join military forces and close a 60-mile section of the border between Syria and Turkey nicknamed the “Gap of the Apocalypse” – which Prime Minister Medvedev has warned could spark World War 3 if it is not sealed off.  The 60-mile border along the Turkish-Syrian border has allowed Turkey and Saudi Arabia to secretly arm ISIS militants and al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front terrorists.
