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United States

60-Mile ‘Gap Of The Apocalypse’ Sealed Off To Avert World War 3

Russia and the United States have reached an historic agreement to join military forces and close a 60-mile section of the border between Syria and Turkey nicknamed the “Gap of the Apocalypse” – which Prime Minister Medvedev has warned could spark World War 3 if it is not sealed off.  The 60-mile border along the Turkish-Syrian border has allowed Turkey and Saudi Arabia to secretly arm ISIS militants and al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front terrorists.

Assad Plans To Retake "All Syria," Will "Confront" Saudis, Turks If Invaded

Nine months ago, things weren’t look good for Syria’s Bashar al-Assad.

Four years into his country’s bloody civil war, he found himself fighting a multi-front war against a long list of largely Sunni extremist elements and the government’s forces were stretched thin. The rebels enjoyed the support not only of the US, but of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. That meant that their resources were essentially unlimited.

The USA’s Attempt To Destroy Syria Was Planned In 2003

The U.S. government were pushing for a war with Syria as early as 2003, Congress documents reveal.  Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell demanded that Syria sever its connections with organisations aiding Palestinians pursuing self-determination on May 2, 2003 – threatening the government with military action if they did not comply. In September 2003 the US Under Secretary Of State John Bolton warned that Syria may be pursuing a WMD program, urging the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee that action needed to be taken.
