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Gold And Silver Best Performing Assets – Up 9% and 8% YTD

Gold And Silver Best Performing Assets – Up 9% and 8% YTD

Gold is 3.6% higher this week and is now over 9% higher year to date. The dollar saw sharp falls this week on growing doubts that the Federal Reserve will be able to raise interest rates. The gains this week were due to increasing concerns about the U.S. and global economy.

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The Chart Of Doom: When Private Credit Stops Expanding...

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OffTwoMinds blog,

Once private credit rolls over in China and the U.S., the global recession will start its rapid slide down the Seneca Cliff.

Few question the importance of private credit in the global economy. When households and businesses are borrowing to expand production and buy homes, vehicles, etc., the economy expands smartly.

Jimmy Carter: "Legal Bribery" Is Prevailing In The US Political System

Submitted by Andrea Germanos via,

Former U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter has taken aim at the “erroneous” Supreme Court ruling that “gives legal bribery a chance to prevail.”

Carter made the comments, an apparent reference to the 2010 Citizens United ruling, in an interview Wednesday with the BBC’s “Today” program.
