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United States

Former Reagan Advisor Says North Korea May Launch EMP Attack Soon

Former U.S. Ambassador Henry Cooper has warned that North Korea may launch a ‘satellite’ concealing an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) device, capable of completely crippling the U.S., wiping out the countries electrical grid for years.  Cooper, who was President Ronald Reagan’s chief representative in the Star War program, says that the U.S. doesn’t have the capabilities to defend itself against a potential attack from Pyongyang, whether its in the form of a nuclear device or an EMP weapon.

U.S. Admit Defeat In Afghanistan As Russia’s ISIS Victory Stuns West

A Russian Ministry of Defense report states that America have conceded their total defeat in Afghanistan within hours of holding peace talks with the Taliban in the Pakistani capital city of Islamabad. At the same time the West have expressed concern that Russia’s ongoing defeat of ISIS in Syria is likely to have a huge impact on U.S.

UK Government Request Ability To Serve Warrants In U.S.

British authorities are negotiating a deal with the U.S. that will allow them to directly serve wiretap warrants on U.S. communications companies in criminal and national security inquiries, U.S. officials have confirmed.  The new wiretapping powers will give agencies such as GCHQ the ability to monitor live communications of British suspects. reports: Under the proposed plan, British authorities would not have access to records of U.S. citizens if they emerged in the British investigations. Congressional approval would be required of any deal negotiated by the two countries.
