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What's The Next 'Energy' Sector In Credit Markets? UBS Answers

What's The Next 'Energy' Sector In Credit Markets? UBS Answers

Lately UBS, which just announced its latest ugly quarter in which the ultra-wealthy client dependent bank saw $3.3 billion in outflows from its all important wealth-management business, has been increasingly dour on the future, whether it is warning to "Buy Gold" As Equities “Rolling Over” or explaining "How The Investment Grade Dominos Will Fall." Today, UBS' chief global credit strategist Matthew Mish takes on the pleasant topic of predicting what the next imploding "energy-like" sector in credit markets, which is particularly relevant after today's historic downgrade of several energy na

Where Is The Outrage: With Shkreli Under House Arrest, Drug Prices Are Still Soaring

Last September, when Martin Shkreli was doing his best to become the "most hated person in America" with his highly profiled 5000% price increase of a Turing Pharma toxoplasmosis drug, in an article titled "Dear Martin Shkreli: This Is How You Hike Drug Prices" we said hate him if you must, but not for his price hiking practices for one simple reason: everyone else does that.

The U.S. Should Halt Its Support for the War on Yemen

Emma Ashford once again urges the Obama administration to halt its support for the war on Yemen:

In his last few months in office, President Obama should take advantage of his executive power to end U.S. support for the war in Yemen, and direct America’s diplomats to aggressively pursue a diplomatic settlement. This war is humanitarian disaster and a strategic failure; ending our support for it should be a no-brainer.

Groundhog Day Trading: Stocks Slide As Oil Plunge Returns; BP Suffers Biggest Loss On Record

Groundhog Day Trading: Stocks Slide As Oil Plunge Returns; BP Suffers Biggest Loss On Record

It certainly does feel like groundhog day today because while last week's near record oil surge is long forgotten, and one can debate the impact the result of last night's Iowa primary which saw Trump disappoint to an ascendant Ted Cruz while Hillary and Bernie were practically tied, one thing is certain: today's continued decline in crude, which has seen Brent and WTI both tumble by over 3% has once again pushed global stocks and US equity futures lower, offsetting the euphoria from last night's earnings beat by Google which made Alphabet the largest company in th

US Seeks "Maritime Hegemony", Is Acting "Irresponsibly" In South China Sea, Beijing Warns

US Seeks "Maritime Hegemony", Is Acting "Irresponsibly" In South China Sea, Beijing Warns

It’s now been nearly a year since the world woke up to what Beijing was doing in the South China Sea.

Early in 2015, satellite images seemed to show that China had embarked on a rather ambitious land reclamation effort in the Spratlys a disputed island chain claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Taiwan.

As the months wore on it became readily apparent that this was no small project. Ultimately, China would build 3,000 acres of new sovereign territory atop reefs in the area much to the chagrin of Washington’s regional allies.
