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Every Country Should Understand that the Main Purpose of a US Embassy Is Subversion

Every Country Should Understand that the Main Purpose of a US Embassy Is Subversion

If governments had comprehension, no country would permit an American presence of any kind,
not even a commercial presence.

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Saudi Prince Demands Trump Quit Presidential Race

Donald Trump came under fire from Saudi billionaire prince Alwaleed Bin Talal on Twitter, who urged the Presidential candidate to withdraw from the U.S. presidential race.  Trump recently boycotted the Republican presidential debate hosted by Fox News due to an ongoing feud with the network. Alwaleed is the second-largest voting shareholder in Fox, giving him significant influence over the media corporation.

Glistening Gold & The Rumble In The Ruble - America's "Tribute Scam" Is Unraveling Fast

Glistening Gold & The Rumble In The Ruble - America's "Tribute Scam" Is Unraveling Fast

Beforer we discuss The Empire of Chaos ongoing attacks on "The Assassin Putin" and The Master of the Universe attempts to topple any challenge to Washington's global hegemony, we thought the following chart may give some much needed context for where the pain really is - the drop in the oil price in local currency terms has been the least of all major nations... for Russia


China Accuses US Warship Of Violating Law

China have accused the United States of violating international law as a US destroyer was spotted sailing within 12 nautical miles of the disputed islands in the South China Sea on Saturday. The U.S. military have admitted sailing past the disputed island, saying it was asserting its freedom of navigation. “We conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea earlier tonight,” Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said in a statement.
