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ObamaTrade Will Cost 448,000 American Jobs, New Study Finds

Submitted by Derrick Broze via,

One of the major purported selling points for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a supposed increase in new jobs as a result of the controversial trade deal. The deal involves 12 nations, including the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia and more. However, two recent economic reports have contradicted the claims that jobs will increase. They have shown that, more than likely, the deal will lead to a loss of jobs.

US Gives Up Oversight Of Internet, Moves Towards Decentralization

The US government is to surrender its control of internet’s underlying technology this year, giving up the administration of Internet IPs & Domain Names and moving towards a more global governance. For the first time since American academics launched the network 47 years ago, the gate-keeping of online addresses will be decentralized to include foreign governments, businesses and individual users, in a symbolic move that is made to reflect the integrity of the system that allows access to the World Wide Web.

700 Days In No Man's Land - Why They Can't Keep It Up

700 Days In No Man's Land - Why They Can't Keep It Up

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

This week brought another reason to get out of the casino, and to sell it short if you can tolerate some volatility.

On Friday the Japanese stock market ripped 6% higher and the European bourses were up 5% because their respective central bankers emitted some hints of more easing just ahead. Even the US market managed to find green for the week.

US Vice President -PKK and ISIS ‘Pose Existential Threats’ To Turkey

US Vice President Joe Biden said that Washington recognizes the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is as much of a threat to Turkey as ISIS. Speaking alongside the Turkish prime minister during a press conference in Istanbul, Biden voiced his support for a Turkish crackdown, saying Kurdish militants and IS are ‘terror groups plain and simple’ He told reporters that ISIS was “not the only existential threat to the people of Turkey, the PKK is equally a threat and we are aware of that” Turkey has however been criticised over its campaign against Kurdish militants.
