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Moody's Just Put Over Half A Trillion Dollars In Energy Debt On Downgrade Review

Moody's Just Put Over Half A Trillion Dollars In Energy Debt On Downgrade Review

One week ago, in the aftermath of the dramatic downgrade to junk of Asian commodity giant Noble Group, we showed readers the list of potential "fallen angel" companies, those "investment "grade companies (such as Freeport McMoRan whose CDS trades at near-default levels) who are about to be badly junked, focusing on the 18 or so US energy companies that are about to lose their investment grade rating.

Attention Finally Turns To Saudi Arabia's "Secret" US Treasury Holdings

Attention Finally Turns To Saudi Arabia's "Secret" US Treasury Holdings

In November of 2014, we announced the quiet death of the petrodollar.

The system which underwrote decades of dollar dominance and kept a perpetual bid under USD assets met an untimely demise when the Saudis moved to bankrupt the US shale complex by deliberately suppressing oil prices.

The implications, we said, would be far-reaching.

"Perma-bears" 1 - BofA Economist 0

"Perma-bears" 1 - BofA Economist 0

Last May, after the "harsh snowfall" of Q1 crushed US GDP (when it was really the bursting of China's shadow banking bubble) leading to sellside analysts first, and then the Bureau of Economic Analysis to decide the time has come to double seasonally GDP data to avoid such embarrassments as a negative print in the middle of a recovery, Bank of America's chief economist Ethan Harris rushed to declare victory.

Explicitly targeting the "perma-bears" this is what Harris said:

Pentagon Chief Says "Boots On The Ground" Part Of "Accelerated" Strategy For ISIS Fight

Pentagon Chief Says "Boots On The Ground" Part Of "Accelerated" Strategy For ISIS Fight

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter is a man who knows that actions speak far louder than words.

That’s why when Washington’s feud with China over the latter’s land reclamation efforts in the South China Sea reached a boiling point last year, Carter made a trip to the Pacific and had someone snap this picture of him riding in a helicopter with an aircraft carrier visible in the background.

Frontrunning: January 22

  • Stocks, oil soar as Draghi the dove tames global bears (Reuters)
  • Massive snowstorm poised to wallop U.S. East Coast (Reuters)
  • Oil Rises in Biggest Rally Since August Amid Volatility Surge (BBG)
  • Nikkei spikes more than 900 points after rebounds overseas (Japan Times)
  • China's Working-Age Population Sees Biggest-Ever Decline  (WSJ)
  • Oil Is `Trade of the Year' for Citigroup After Iran Export Surge (BBG)
  • U.S. Payment of $1.7 Billion to Iran Raises Questions of Ransom (WSJ)
