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Iran’s Revolutionaries Follow the China Model

Is the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, a RINO—a revolutionary in name only?

So they must be muttering around the barracks of the Iranian Republican Guard Corps today.

For while American hawks are saying we gave away the store to Tehran, consider what ayatollah agreed to.

Last week, he gave his blessing to the return of 10 U.S. sailors who intruded into Iranian waters within hours of capture. He turned loose four Americans convicted of spying. And he gave final approval to a nuclear deal that is a national humiliation.

The American Revolution - The Sequel

Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

The US is the most observed country in the world. Since it’s the world’s current empire (and since it is beginning its death throes as an empire), it’s fascinating to watch.

Those of us outside of the US watch it like Americans watch TV. It’s like a slow-motion car wreck that we observe almost daily, eager to see what’s going to happen next. We criticise the madness of it all, yet we can’t take our eyes off the unfolding drama. It has all the excitement of a blockbuster movie.

There Is NO Justice In America

There Is NO Justice In America

Sixteen years ago my colleague, Lawrence Stratton, and I published a book about how American citizens lost the protection of law. Yesterday Chris Hedges explained this loss very well. I recommend to you his article:

The Mirage of Justice

By Chris Hedges

Demographic Doldrums: Visualizing 100 Years Of The Most Populous Countries

Demographic Doldrums: Visualizing 100 Years Of The Most Populous Countries

Submityted by Jeff Desjardins vai The Visual Capitalist,

“I think ageing demographics is a bigger issue in China than people think. And the problems it creates should be become evident as early as 2016.” – Stan Druckenmiller, a 2013 quote

Over the last year, we’ve been very skeptical of the near-term potential for robust global economic growth.
