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The 10 Principles Of Bubbles Show Why The Whole Planet's On Central Planner "Crack"

Submitted by Harry Dent via Contra Corner blog,

The global markets just reacted to another 7% plunge in Chinese markets – the biggest bubble of our time.

Go on the Internet and look up any article about China’s economy. Nine times out of 10 they’ll acknowledge the problems in overbuilding, real estate vacancies, rising debt and everything else.

"The Least Important Payrolls Report In A While": What Wall Street Expects

Now that the Fed has commenced its rate hike cycle, the jobs report suddenly takes on far less significance because only a massively "outlier" print will have an impact on Fed thinking, thinking which so far appears undented despite a raging manufacturing recession across the US. This means that the December jobs could be the "most important ever" only in retrospect, with either a huge miss (think < 100,000) or huge beat (> 275,000) having a material impact at a time when algos are much more focused on China scrambling to prevent its economy - and market - crashing, hard.

Trump’s Latest Tweet Reveals A Simple Man Running For Complicated Job

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an intelligent man who can get his views across in the simplest of manners, but it comes as at a price. He tweeted in less than 140 characters that the terror threat is high and warned people to get smart. People around the world have reviewed his latest tweet as a sign that the Republican hopeful might not be the right candidate for the U.S. presidency. Trump said on Thursday: “Man shot inside Paris police station. Just announced that terror threat is at highest level. Germany is a total mess-big crime.

Chinese Market Bailout Fizzles As US Futures Fade Overnight Gains; German Dax Slides Back Under 10,000

Chinese Market Bailout Fizzles As US Futures Fade Overnight Gains; German Dax Slides Back Under 10,000

When we previewed yesterday's Chinese trading session, which far more important to the US market than today's Nonfarm payrolls report (Exp. +200K, 4.9% Unemployment rate), we said to "keep an eye on the Yuan fixing around 8 pm: if the USDCNY sees another substantial jump (i.e., Yuan decline) from last night's 5 year low rate of 6.5646, this could suggest further turbulence and as all self-fulfilling prophecies go, unleash another pukefest which not even the circuit breaker adjustment will fix.
