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United States

New US Security Law On Visa Waiver Program Is Not So Helpful

After the San Bernardino Terrorist attacks, a new law has been passed by US lawmakers that amended the visa waiver program in order to provide enhanced security. The new law, known as HR 158, restricts a group of people and certain nationalities from automatically gaining access to US soil without a thorough background check. While the US tries to combat the threat posed by the Islamic State, it could at the same time be hindering its own progress in opening up to a whole group of moderate Muslims.

Auto Sales Are About To Choke: Increase In Non-Revolving Credit Is Smallest In 4 Years

Auto Sales Are About To Choke: Increase In Non-Revolving Credit Is Smallest In 4 Years

Moments ago, the Fed released the latest, November, consumer credit data: it was not good. Rising by just $13.95 trillion, it was a big miss to the $18.5 trillion expected, and below the $15.6 billion downward revised increase in October. In fact, three months after the historic surge in September to the highest print in the revised series, total consumer credit has tumbled to the lowest since January.


But the big problem was not in the total data, but in one of the two key component data sets.
