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Why WWIII Is On The Horizon — Paul Craig Roberts

Why WWIII Is On The Horizon

Paul Craig Roberts

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 gave birth to a dangerous American ideology called neoconservativism. The Soviet Union had served as a constraint on US unilateral action. With the removal of this constraint on Washington, neoconservatives declared their agenda of US world hegemony. America was now the “sole superpower,” the “unipower,” that could act without restraint anywhere in the world.

The Washington Post neoconservative journalist Charles Krauthammer summed up the “new reality” as follows:

More Bad News For Oil: Saudis Are Handling Crude Crash Better Than Expected

We’ve spent quite a bit of time this year documenting Saudi Arabia’s fiscal bloodbath. 

In the wake of the kingdom’s move to deliberately suppress crude prices in an effort to preserve market share by bankrupting the US shale complex, Riyadh found itself in a tough spot. Thanks to ZIRP and the wide open capital markets it fosters, US producers were able to stay afloat for longer than the Saudis likely expected. 

WTI Plunges Back Under $37 (Below Brent); Drags Stocks Into Red For 2015

While everything was awesome last week (apart from the last 10 minutes), it appears lower oil prices this week (WTI just crossed back below Brent's price and under $37 once again) is not "unequivocally good" for US equity markets. Following the bloodbath in China's "B" Shares overnight, traders are hoping this pain will stop once the machines "get back to work" at 930ET...



If this holds, S&P 500 will open back in the red for 2015.

As Bloomberg reports,

Frontrunning: December 28

  • The Year Nothing Worked: Stocks, Bonds, Cash Go Nowhere (BBG)
  • Oil falls toward $37, near 11-year low, as excess supply weighs (Reuters)
  • End of easy money for mini-refiners splitting U.S. shale? (Reuters)
  • Shale's Running Out of Survival Tricks as OPEC Ramps Up Pressure (Reuters)
  • 'Safe’ Puerto Rican Debt Stirs Worries (WSJ)
  • These Will Be Wall Street's Most In-Demand Jobs Next Year (BBG)
  • ‘Star Wars’ Becomes Fastest to Pass $1 Billion at Box Office (WSJ)
  • The Hustlers at Scores (NYMag)
